
geriatric trauma management
Why G60 Trauma
To provide information to healthcare providers and the trauma community about the benefits of an aggressive team-based trauma care model for patients 60 years and over who have experienced any traumatic injury. Our interdisciplinary surgeon-led trauma care model is called “G60 Trauma” (Mangram, et al., 2012). The specific age at which a person is considered elderly remains controversial ranging from 45 years to 80 years of age (ref). In the context of our G60 Trauma program we operationally define the elderly as an individual 60 years or older. Thus the terms G60 trauma and G60 may be used inter-changeably.

G60 Trauma is an attractive trauma care model with strong empirical support from several U.S. Census Bureau demographic reports regarding changing demographics (ADHS, 2017). There has been in recent years a rapid and unprecedented rate of growth in the older (G60) population. By 2029 baby boomers will comprise 20% of the total US population. There are several reasons for aging of the population: lower fertility rates, people are living longer than in the early 1900’s likely due to improved neonatal care, immunizations, better nutrition, improved public health and access to health care (CDC/National Center for Health Statistics/Office of Analysis and Epidemiology, 2017).