
Goal 1: Early Identification of G60 Trauma

to facilitate streamlined and standardized guidelines of care which benefit the care of the older adult with traumatic injury or acute illness

Goal 2: Post Injury Multidisciplinary Care

to provide follow up care to improve health function and quality of life following a traumatic injury for patients aged 60 and older

Goal 3: Education and Prevention for Future Trauma

to facilitate a healthy lifestyle after traumatic injury for G60 trauma patients to improve survival and prevent recurrence

Goal 1: Early Identification of G60 Trauma
Upon arrival to the emergency room, a trauma surgeon is called in to evaluate your injuries and develop your treatment plan. If surgery is required, medical clearance for surgical intervention may be needed. Our goal is to offer a safe, early operative procedures if needed, and reduce unnecessary testing which can lead to delays in operative intervention and worse outcomes. G60 program is an aggressive care model following an injury, which has shown to increase the patient’s likelihood that they will be discharged and return to their home with optimal recovery.


Proactive and specialized care helps reduce complications and length of hospitalization. The G60 team collaborates with various healthcare professionals to ensure care is multidisciplinary and individualized to the needs of each patient. Aggressive care includes:

  • Early identification in the emergency room to reduce the time spent there
  • Initiation of any protocols to expedite care
  • Early operative intervention by trauma surgeon or specialists
  • Multi-modal pain regimens which reduce the need for opioid type pain medications which can cause delirium, constipation and respiratory depression
  • Multidisciplinary team rounding to ensure all aspects of patient care addressed

Goal 2: Post Injury Multidisciplinary Care
Discharge planning begins at admission and is a continued focus of G60 multidisciplinary rounds so you and your family can make informed decisions based on your support systems. Discharge planning begins at admission and is continued throughout your stay in the hospital.


Using the biopsychosocial model, our healthcare professionals form a team and work together to provide you with a holistic care approach through the G60 multidisciplinary rounds. Our team of healthcare professionals include but not limited to:

  • A surgeon who attends to your surgical and medical needs
  • A team of nurses who works with all healthcare professionals to ensure that you receive all the suggested treatment plans
  • A physical therapist will work with you to provide aggressive mobilization with physical therapy
  • An occupational therapist will work with you to obtain functional outcomes which promote health, prevent future injury or disability, as well as, restore the highest possible level of independence
  • A pharmacist will provide you the information on medications your doctors prescribed for you, as well as, educate you on how to use them safely and effectively
  • A social worker may be assigned to work with you through counseling sessions to address your thoughts and concerns, as well as, enabling you to move forward with the tools you need to prevent similar incidents in the future
  • A case manager may be assigned to work with you and your family on your discharge planning which may require further rehabilitation and support services

Other healthcare professionals such as a respiratory specialist, a physical rehabilitation physician, dietician and geriatrician may be involved in your care plan based on individual needs. It is recommended a Vulnerable Elders Survey (VES) be done to assist in discharge placements and needs.


The goal of the G60 program is to ensure that you return home in an optimal state of health and pre-injury status by offering the most aggressive rehabilitation program possible.

Goal 3: Education and Prevention for Future Trauma
Prevention of injury is of the utmost importance for people of any age, but it is more important as we get older because the severity and consequences of that injury increase exponentially with age. Not engaging in risk-taking behaviors such as consuming excessive alcohol, polypharmacy, distracted driving or cell phone use cannot be over-stated.


Research has shown that falls at home is the number one trauma related injury. To protect yourself from fall and injury, a review of some common causes can be done in your home:

  • Area rugs are common causes of slips and trips. Be sure they have non-skid backing and are free of curled edges. Review placement of rugs to determine if they are necessary and properly located.
  • Awareness that pets can lead to falls and trips, watch for them at all times.
  • Can uneven steps or sidewalks be repaired or flagged so they are noticed?
  • Use a cane or walking aid for added support if needed.
  • Clean spills readily from tile and wooden floors to reduce slip hazards.