MSMIT and Surgical Rib Fixation

MSMIT and Surgical Rib Fixation
muscle sparing minimally invasive rib fixation
Rib fractures are common injuries associated with blunt chest trauma. Each additional rib fractured in the elderly population can increase mortality disability. Current treatment modalities include a combination of analgesia, aggressive pulmonary toilet and surgical fixation when flail chest injury present (three or more consecutive ribs in 2 or more locations). Muscle sparing minimally invasive rib fixation (MSMIT) offers an alternative to the traditional open surgical approach.

Muscle sparing minimally invasive rib fixation (MSMIT) will allow for better pain control, improved pulmonary function with the ultimate goal to return to baseline function as soon as possible.

A minimally invasive approach reduces the need for a large incision which can increase pain, recovery time and risk for infection.

With stabilized ribs, there is less narcotic use.

In addition to rib fixation, during the surgery we clear any blood or fluid collections that have accumulated in the chest after the injury thereby avoiding common complications of rib fractures (i.e. retained hemothorax, delayed pleural effusion, empyema and trapped lung).

Another benefit of fixation is intraoperative placement of continuous nerve block catheters over the site of rib fractures which allows for improved pain control.

Dr. Francis Ali-Osman
surgeon’s perspective on surgical rib fixation
patient’s perspective on surgical rib fixation